Aircraft Type




Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 – SOJT

P-66 (6. On the Job Training)

P-66 (AMC to Section 6 of Appendix III to Part-66 ‘Aircraft Type Training and Examination Standard. On-the-Job Training’)

  • On the Job Training (OJT) shall be approved by the competent authority who has issued the license.
  • It shall have been started and completed within the 3 years preceding the application for a type rating endorsement.

(a) Objective:

  • The objective of OJT is to gain the required competence and experience in performing safe maintenance.
  • To give the engineer an in-depth hands on Airframe/ Power plant/Electrical Systems and Avionics Systems of the A/C.  At completion of the SOJT the engineer will have sufficient knowledge to perform the duties of an B1/B2 certifying engineer

(b) Content:

OJT shall cover a cross section of tasks acceptable to the competent authority. The OJT tasks to be completed shall be representative of the aircraft and systems both in complexity and in the technical input required to complete that task. While relatively simple tasks may be included, other more complex maintenance tasks shall also be incorporated and undertaken as appropriate to the aircraft type.

Each task shall be signed off by the student and countersigned by a designated supervisor. The tasks listed shall refer to an actual job card/work sheet, etc.

The final assessment of the completed OJT is mandatory and shall be performed by a designated assessor appropriately qualified.
